The game's theme song was composed by Hironobu Kageyama, best known for his performance of "Cha-La Head Cha-La", the first opening theme song for the Dragon Ball Z anime, while the Goemon Impact theme was composed by Ichirou Mizuki, known for his performance on the Mazinger Z anime's intro. This also subtly references the shows being parodied as Goemon's Sudden Impact form resembles Goku's Super Saiyan form, and the Goemon Impact boss battles feature robots, reminiscent of Mazinga Z's mecha elements.
Archived VGFacts forum thread:
Goemon's Sudden Impact form model:
Goemon's Sudden Impact form model:
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The guard standing in front of the castle states that he altered his body to defend peace and justice of the town, and became a "hero and supercop, Robo Officer!" This is a parody of the 1987 film Robocop.
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