December 10, 2024
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When entering the player's name at the start of the game, Mita will have unique responses to certain names, most of which will lead to her restarting the sequence:

• If the player enters either "MakenCat" or "Umeerai", Mita will state she's flattered they know the developers, but that they can't use their names.
• If the player enters a swear word, Mita will prevent the player from using that for a name because it's "not cool at all".
• If the player enters "Mita", she will question if they named themselves after her or if their actual name is indeed "Mita", before stating "I think I should be the only Mita around here".
• If the player uses numbers in their name, Mita will comment that it's uncreative, but will ultimately allow it unlike the other names mentioned.

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