If the player shakes or nods their head when looking at Cappie, she will respond by mimicking the player's actions.
When entering the player's name at the start of the game, Mita will have unique responses to certain names, most of which will lead to her restarting the sequence:
• If the player enters either "MakenCat" or "Umeerai", Mita will state she's flattered they know the developers, but that they can't use their names.
• If the player enters a swear word, Mita will prevent the player from using that for a name because it's "not cool at all".
• If the player enters "Mita", she will question if they named themselves after her or if their actual name is indeed "Mita", before stating "I think I should be the only Mita around here".
• If the player uses numbers in their name, Mita will comment that it's uncreative, but will ultimately allow it unlike the other names mentioned.
• If the player enters either "MakenCat" or "Umeerai", Mita will state she's flattered they know the developers, but that they can't use their names.
• If the player enters a swear word, Mita will prevent the player from using that for a name because it's "not cool at all".
• If the player enters "Mita", she will question if they named themselves after her or if their actual name is indeed "Mita", before stating "I think I should be the only Mita around here".
• If the player uses numbers in their name, Mita will comment that it's uncreative, but will ultimately allow it unlike the other names mentioned.
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