There is a glitch in the event "Aristocrat Leader's Hobby" where the last bit of dialogue spoken by Sir Turquoise has the incorrect voice over, and plays a voice over from a different event.
The Four Legendary Heroes are references to various influential people in the games industry:
Yuzusuki - Yu Suzuki (Sega).
Kuterogi - Ken Kutaragi (Sony).
Gheytz - Bill Gates (Microsoft).
Miamoto - Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo).
Yuzusuki - Yu Suzuki (Sega).
Kuterogi - Ken Kutaragi (Sony).
Gheytz - Bill Gates (Microsoft).
Miamoto - Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo).
Strangely, the DLC characters 5pb. and RED have no English voice clips outside of battle. If the game's voices are set to English, they will have no spoken dialogue at all in cutscenes, but if it is set to Japanese instead, their cutscenes are fully voiced.
The letters in Nisa's name are the initials of the company Nippon Ichi Software America, one of the game's Publishers. Her overall design is inspired by the Prinnies from the Disgaea series, which is was also published by Nippon Ichi Software. Also, the flat chested jokes of her in the game's story are possibly a reference to the same jokes made in the Disgaea series as well.
The character Gust is based on the company Gust Incorporated, one of the game's publishers. Her design is based on the Atelier series. Her backstory states that she comes from a country called Salburg, which is the setting of Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg.
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The Four CPU goddesses, and the lands they hail from in Gamindustri, are designed and named after consoles from the video game industry:
Neptune (Purple Heart) / Planeptune - The unreleased Sega Neptune. A two-in-one Sega Mega Drive and Sega 32X hybrid.
Noire (Black Heart) / Lastation - Sony's PlayStation 3. Her name is French for the color black.
Vert (Green Heart) / Leanbox - Microsoft's Xbox 360. Her name is French for the color green.
Blanc (White Heart) / Lowee - Nintendo Wii. Her name is French for the color white.
Neptune (Purple Heart) / Planeptune - The unreleased Sega Neptune. A two-in-one Sega Mega Drive and Sega 32X hybrid.
Noire (Black Heart) / Lastation - Sony's PlayStation 3. Her name is French for the color black.
Vert (Green Heart) / Leanbox - Microsoft's Xbox 360. Her name is French for the color green.
Blanc (White Heart) / Lowee - Nintendo Wii. Her name is French for the color white.
Mizuno Naoko interview confirming the console war inspiration and Neptune being based on the Sega Neptune:
General facts article detailing other references:
General facts article detailing other references:
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