subdirectory_arrow_right Gex 64: Enter the Gecko (Game)
In the PlayStation version, one of Gex's quips is "I guess Bowser's on vacation?", referencing the main antagonist of the Mario franchise. Ironically, this line doesn't appear in the Nintendo 64 version of the game due to many of Gex's lines having to be cut due to storage limitations on N64 cartridges.
Gex quote:
Old wiki source:
Old wiki source:

The URL has long since been defunct, but can be accessed via the Wayback Machine.
In the boss stage, "Mooshoo Pork" should the player enter into Look mode using the Triangle button and face the left area of the stage for several seconds, a sudden message in green font will come up in the upper left hand corner of the screen, citing: HOORAY FOR BUNNY GEX/HE SURE IS A FUNNY GEX/RA RA RA.
This seemingly out-of-place message is in direct reference to the bunny costume that Gex dons during the "Toon TV" stage.
This seemingly out-of-place message is in direct reference to the bunny costume that Gex dons during the "Toon TV" stage.



In the American release of the game, Gex is voiced by comedian Dana Gould. However in the European release of the game, Gould's voice was replaced by that of English actor Leslie Phillips, who provided a very different, more cultured and refined variation of the character.
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