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subdirectory_arrow_right 3D Pinball: Space Cadet (Game)
Space Cadet: 3D Pinball was a demo for a game called Full Tilt! Pinball. Full Tilt! Pinball had two extra boards compared to 3D Pinball, with the main differences in Full Tilt's Space Cadet board specifically being an expanded soundtrack, a more realisitc CGI side-art as opposed to the Buzz Lightyear-esque 2D cartoon art, and a multiball feature.
Full Tilt Space Cadet - expanded soundtrack starts at 1:19:
Video of Multiball in Full Tilt, note that when the video says "Windows version of the game", it means "the version bundled with Windows":
Video of Multiball in Full Tilt, note that when the video says "Windows version of the game", it means "the version bundled with Windows":
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