Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
April 25, 2003
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Attachment The Ballista weapons used by archers usually make the game default to using no animations for the attacks, although the animations for archers actually using them exist in the game and were used in the game's Japan only predecessor, Sword of Seals.
In the game exist 4 unused animations for spells. They are actually all from the game's predecessor Sword of Seals, much like the Ballista animations. The animations that exist in the game and are yet unused are of Zephiel's ranged sword attack, Roy's Sword of Seals ranged attack, Fa's Divine Dragon breath, and Iduon's Dark Dragon breath, which is mirrored towards the player due to the weapon being enemy only in it's respective game.
Although it is confirmed in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade that Wolt is the son of Rebecca, she can still die if her health reaches 0, thus causing a paradox. This is likely a development oversight.
The S-ranked bow Rienfleche has an incorrect description in the US localization, claiming it functions like a brave weapon in that it allows the user to attack more often, which is untrue. The EU localization fixed this by giving it the correct description. This error is not present in the Japanese release.
If Lynn gets defeated during the tutorial fight, her victory cutscene will play despite her defeat. The “Enemy Phase” sign will then play on loop, essentially soft locking the game.

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