
In response to 'Hail, Tavid Dennant':
'Well hello! What brings a [player's species] like you to a place like this? Me? I seem to have misplaced my scarf, I don't suppose you've seen it? Long, wool, colorful? I can't imagine where I might have left it. Speaking of misplaced things, I've got quite a number of who's its and what's its that I've picked up during my travels. You're welcome to take a look if you think you might find any of it useful. All except for this [watch] of course.'
In response to: 'What watch?'
'I can remember where I found all of these other things, but the watch I just seem to have always had. I can't quite recall when I got it or who gave it to me. Still, I can't imagine parting with it. It's almost like it's a part of me.'
In response to: 'Are you the Doctor?'
'Doctor? No I think you must have me confused with someone else. I've never studied medicine in any form.'
The long, wool, colorful scarf is a reference to the Fourth Doctor's scarf which he's most commonly associated with. The watch is a possible reference to the chameleon arch fob watch from the episode "Human Nature" which could store a Time Lord's memories, making them forget who they were.
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