In the French release of the game, the achievement "Fork the Pork" is called "T'as le Bonjour de Ryo" (Ryo says hello). In order to achieve this, the player must kill 6 pigcops with a forklift.
This achievement is a reference to the game "Shenmue", which sees the player take on the role of Ryo. The game featured a popular minigame that has the player driving a forklift.
This achievement is a reference to the game "Shenmue", which sees the player take on the role of Ryo. The game featured a popular minigame that has the player driving a forklift.
The talk show host of "Damn, It's Late", Johnny O'Lenoman, got his name by combining four popular talk show hosts names together. These being Johnny Carson, Conan O' Brien, Jay Leno and David Letterman.
Spoiler:During the game's ending, after the nuke explodes, the EDF logo is shown with a spinning globe. It zooms in and shows Duke was killed in the explosion. Duke then says "What kind of shit ending is that? I ain't dead, I'm coming back for more!" This is a reference to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
In the beginning of Duke Nukem's Titty City, one of the strippers asks you to get her a few things. One of the things she says to get Duke to help her is that there will be cake. Spoiler:Since the entire level is set in a dream and you do not see the cake any where in the level, the cake she is talking about is most likely not real. This is probably a reference to Portal's "The cake is a lie" meme.
When Duke admires himself in the mirror, he says many quotes. Some of them are:
"I'm bringing sexy back." refers to Justin's Timberlake song Sexy Back.
"Here's looking at you, kid." is a quote from the 1942 movie Casablanca.
"I'm bringing sexy back." refers to Justin's Timberlake song Sexy Back.
"Here's looking at you, kid." is a quote from the 1942 movie Casablanca.
At the level Forkstop, there is a barrel with a heart on it. You have to move it to the spot with a heart on the floor to get a trophy. When you put the barrel in the right place, you will see "Have some cake!" It's a reference to the game series Portal.
When Duke comes across a door that needed a red keycard to unlock, Duke responds with "Keycard? I don't need a fucking keycard." and opens the door with bare hands. This line makes fun of the previous Duke Nukem games where the player needed keycards to open most of the doors.
In chapter Duke's Titty City in the bathrooms, written on the wall is "They Live, We Sleep." This is a reference to They Live.
And right below this writing you can see Mr. Chad on the wall behind the toilet referring to the American popular culture expression that became popular during World War II "Kilroy was here".
And right below this writing you can see Mr. Chad on the wall behind the toilet referring to the American popular culture expression that became popular during World War II "Kilroy was here".
When in front of a wooden barricade Duke says "A crowbar would come handy right now." This is a reference to Gordon's famous weapon from Half Life.
When you try to solve the puzzle with the valves, Duke says "I hate valve puzzles" referring to the famous game company "Valve".
The two Duke babes that are at the beginning of the game are named Mary and Kate Holsom. This is a reference to Mary-Kate Olsen.
There is a soldier cursing and complaining that he had to help his friend find his wife. This is a reference to Marcus Fenix from Gears of War.
In the chapter 'Las Vegas' Duke says "I'm from Las Vegas, and I say: kill'em all!" This is a reference to Starship Troopers.
When you are in the casino, at the point you turn tiny and come across a mouse, Duke will say, "Now that's what I call a rodent of unusual size." This is a reference to The Princess Bride.
Before going into the dam, after Duke talks to the General, Duke sings "America, fuck yeah!" This is a reference to Team America World Police.
In chapter 'Damn, I'm Good' you can defeat the boss Energy Leech with just 1 hit from the Ray Freeze gun.
At the chapter "Damn! it's Late" there is a moment that you walk back stage and encounter a dialogue between an actor and a director. This is a reference to Christian's Bale infamous freak-out toward his director during a movie scene shooting.
While in the casino, you see the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. It's a reference to the numbers from LOST.
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