
Ted: "I moved out here because society is too reliant on Capsule technology. Civilization is falling apart, and we've all filled our pockets with capsules, SUV's and capsule cappuccino machines. It is unnatural. It was very peaceful here - until that Vinnie guy moved in. He makes me sick! Listen to that music he is always playing:
"Feel the danger around you!
The black darkness surrounds you!"
"What are you going to do?
The eyes of the lion!"
I can't stand that corporate pop music Vinnie is always playing: [same lyrics as above]
[After destroying Vinnie's generator]: You blew up his generator? I like your style! I would have done it myself, but I couldn't figure out his security code."
"Feel the danger around you!
The black darkness surrounds you!"
"What are you going to do?
The eyes of the lion!"
I can't stand that corporate pop music Vinnie is always playing: [same lyrics as above]
[After destroying Vinnie's generator]: You blew up his generator? I like your style! I would have done it myself, but I couldn't figure out his security code."
Gameplay footage confirming the character is in the game:
Game's script for reference:
Game's script for reference:

Hovercar in-game:
Prima Strategy Guide (page 47 in the guide):
Prima Strategy Guide (page 47 in the guide):
The games working title was Legacy of Goku 2: Future Shock. The title was dropped mid-way through development. All three LoG games were meant to have subtitles.
If the game detects that it is being run illicitly, when Gohan first goes to the world map, a message will appear saying "This game will not run on the hardware found.". You will then be sent to the title screen.
The opening FMV is present in the US and Japan (international) versions but was removed in the European version due to the need for storage space to add other languages.


• Final Fantasy IV (released in the U.S. as "Final Fantasy II")
• The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past
• Pilotwings
• Paladin's Quest (or possibly E.V.O.: Search for Eden)
• Secret of Mana
• Super Metroid
There is also a Game Boy Advance sitting on an adjacent table.
There is a variant of the pirate robot built by the Red Ribbon Army. Its description states:
The original was built by pirates. Also, the name Geromantium refers to a character from the series named Dr. Gero.
"This giant robot bears the insignia of the Red Ribbon Army. Scanning indicates that this robot was designed for military purposes. The thick Geromatium armor on this robot makes it invulnerable to most conventional attack."
The original was built by pirates. Also, the name Geromantium refers to a character from the series named Dr. Gero.
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