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During the opening cutscene, a number of posters for the band "Combichrist" can be seen on the side of each TV. Combichrist provided the soundtrack to the game.
The first time Dante uses the Ophion Demon Pull ability to grab an enemy, he'll shout "Get over here!", a reference to the catchphrase of Mortal Kombat's Scorpion, who says it when using his spear attack, which pulls enemies close to him.
Throughout the game are a number of arcade cabinets. Some of them display both Ryu & Ken from Street Fighter II. There are also a number of "Giant Enemy Crab" games, a reference to the E3 announcement of Genji: Days of the Blade.
All of the trophies and achievements in the game are named after one-liners and quotes from the previous games in the series. This sort of tribute is also present in the add-on "Vergil's Downfall".
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