Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit
Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit
November 5, 2001
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In the original Japanese WonderSwan release, the digivolution music that plays is a shortened instrumental rendition of either "Brave Heart", "Beat Hit!", or "EVO". In the international release, there is only one digivolution song, even though the other music files are in the game's data.
The final boss Milenniummon is incorrectly depicted as having have two red fingers despite official artwork showing him only having one on his top left hand. This error is in both the WonderSwan and Game Boy Advance versions.
In Japan, a version of the game known as Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 was released for the WonderSwan. This version included additional features such as new characters, new stages and a second final boss which can be fought by completing the story mode on normal or higher difficulty without losing a match.
With the use of cheats it is possible to digivolve Impmon, the only character in the game without an available digivolution, into WarGreymon despite it not being his evolution in any form of Digimon media. His true evolution, Beelzemon, was added in the enhanced 1.5 port for the WonderSwan.

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