
• Press B four times while holding down the A button, then release A.
• Press B once while holding down A, then release A.
• Press B twenty-six times while holding down A, then release A.
• Press B five times while holding down A, then release A.
• Press A once.
By doing so, the game begins a slideshow depicting crude drawings of the development team and their workplace. Each drawing lists an individual developer and an accompanying joke, such as stating that programmer Jamie Rivett angrily traverses "all arable land. Land that is tilled by Arabs." The first image additionally contains a "Merry Christmas" message for the player. Furthermore, the code used to unlock this sequence is itself a play on the game's title. Each number of B-presses corresponds to a certain letter of the alphabet, e.g. 1 for "A," 2 for "B," and so on. When translated, it spells "DAZE" (4-1-26-5).
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