Attachment One of Rodin's quotes whenever you visit the shop is "Whadya buyin!?", a phrase that has become popularized from the store owner in Resident Evil 4. Rodin even follows up with "Heard that in a game once."
Attachment Near the beginning of Chapter Five, Bayonetta threatens to kill Luka who tried to convince her that she shouldn't because it would break the hearts of four girls. The girls names are Claire, Trish, Silvia and Ammy. All of which are characters from previous titles that the team worked on when they worked at Capcom.
Claire being Claire Redfield from Resident Evil. Trish being a character in Devil May Cry, Silvia also being a character from Viewtiful Joe and Ammy being short for Amaterasu from Okami.
Bayonetta and Dante from the Devil May Cry series share several quotes. Bayonetta and Dante both say "Let's Rock Baby" in a fashion similar that Dante did in the first Devil May Cry game. They also share the quote "Flock off, Feather face!" both said to a bird like boss.
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