During Act 2 Chapter 4: 'The Farmstead', when players are required to enter the old couple's farm house for supplies, inside they can find an old grandfather clock. Although no button prompt is displayed, the clock can be interacted with by both players at the same time. Interacting with the clock unlocks a door to a secret room up on the staircase where inside a toy treasure chest can be found. Opening the chest displays a cutscene where the player's character will retrieve a wooden sword and raise it above their head. This is a reference to The Legend of Zelda series where the main protagonist Link performs this exact action when acquiring a unique item. After the cutscene an achievement/trophy 'Timeless Treasure' is earned with the description, "You linked up to get past". Another reference to the Zelda series with the third entry, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
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