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subdirectory_arrow_right Amanda the Adventurer: Pilot Episode (Game)
In the original version of Amanda the Adventurer (retroactively renamed to Amanda the Adventurer: Pilot Episode after being picked up by DreadXP to become a full game), Amanda was voiced by Chelsea Lecompte due to the game having to be made in a single week as part of "DreadXP's Found Footage Jam" and being easy to cast as she lived with the main developer. When the game was picked up for full funding, it was decided to recast her in favor of Blair Greene-Osako, as Amanda was a black character (something proposed during the design process) yet was voiced by a white actress in the game jam version. While they felt it was acceptable at the time given the circumstances, they decided to recast her with a black actress once those circumstances had changed. Despite this, Lecompte does still provide voice work for the full game, specifically as the Say n' See toy and Gret-chan the doll.
Initial announcement:
Credits for full release:
Credits for full release:
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