Franchise: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator World Championship Tournament 2009
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses
Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom
Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule: Breed and Battle
Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule GB
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Decade Duels
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005
Viewing Single Trivia
There are a series of Yu-Gi-Oh! arcade machines, originally used to introduce players to the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's anime.
As of September 28, 2012, there have been 7 Duel Terminals released in America and 14 in Japan.
As of September 28, 2012, there have been 7 Duel Terminals released in America and 14 in Japan.
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