Franchise: Star Fox
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros.
Star Fox 64
Star Fox
Star Fox Zero
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Star Fox: Assault
Star Fox 2
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Star Fox Wii
Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox 64 3D
Star Fox
Star Fox Guard
Star Fox Command
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Viewing Single Trivia
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox Command (Game)
According to Takaya Imamura in a 2011 Nintendo Dream magazine interview, planet Papetoon, the homeworld of Fox McCloud as well as his father James and also Peppy Hare, actually exists outside of the Lylat System, approximately 10,000 light years away from it and Corneria. Imamura even states that the characters have to use warps to come and go.
This was alluded to in "The Curse of Pigma" ending in Star Fox Command, where Falco says:
For comparison's sake, in the Japanese script, he says:
This was alluded to in "The Curse of Pigma" ending in Star Fox Command, where Falco says:
FALCO: Papetoon, eh? Yeah, that's pretty much the edge of everything right there.
For comparison's sake, in the Japanese script, he says:
FALCO: はあ?パペトゥーン? ずいぶん遠いな… (Huh? Papetoon? That's a long way...)
Nintendo Dream interview:
English translations of above interview:
Star Fox Command - The Curse of Pigma Japanese to English translation:
Star Fox Command quote:
English translations of above interview:
Star Fox Command - The Curse of Pigma Japanese to English translation:
Star Fox Command quote:
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