Attachment Makai Wars is a recurring item in the Disgaea series, usually being very rare and in the possession of a powerful enemy character. This is a reference to Makai Kingdom's sequel that has been indefinitely postponed since 2004.
A recurring item in the Disgaea series is an item called the Accelerator. Purportedly equipped to a character's teeth, this item increases a character's movement range. This is a reference to the famed anime and manga Cyborg 009; the titular ninth cyborg could reach extremely high speeds by pressing a button hidden in one of his teeth.

The cyborg Kurtis is also a reference to Cyborg 009. He bears a strong resemblance to 002 Jet Link, and they both have rockets in their feet. In Disgaea 2, the first of his optional stages rewards the player with an Accelerator, and in Disgaea 3, his second Magichange skill is called Accelerate.
From Disgaea 3 onwards, the Male Brawler class tier names have been references to different fighting game series:

• Fury Fatalist - Fatal Fury
• Fight Artist - Art of Fighting
• Champ of Fighters - King of Fighters
• Viper Fighter - Fighting Vipers
• Lethal Combatant - Mortal Kombat
• Boulevard Fighter - Street Fighter