Trivia Browser



Attachment Astal's spine did not feature the game's name, which may have led to its poor sales in the United Stated. Retailers would have had to display the case forward facing, rather than to its side as standard.
Shadow of the Colossus
Agro will occasionally ignore commands, as Fumito Ueda (lead designer) believed that "a real horse ... doesn't always obey. It's not like a car or a motorcycle, it won't always turn when you say 'turn!'"

He also admitted that the team had to work out a good balance of how often Agro would ignore commands to allow for playability over realism.
Franchise: Call of Duty
By 2013, the franchise had earned over $4.7 billion in revenue, more money than could be found in the entire country of Nicaragua.
Angry Birds
As of 2011, more than 200,000 collective years were spent playing Angry Birds, roughly the same amount of time that modern humans have existed.
Pokémon Red Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Blue Version (Game)
There is evidence to suggest that Ditto is a failed clone of Mew. Both Pokemon are genderless, weigh the same, their base stats are exactly the same in every respect, they share almost identical colors, and they're the only two Pokemon who learn Transform naturally.

Ditto can also be found commonly in the same cave as Mewtwo, as well as the mansion on Cinnabar Island, where experiments on Mew were said to take place.
Pokémon Red Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Blue Version (Game)
Attachment There's a battle against Professor Oak programmed into the game, but was never included in the final game. It is only accessible by using a Gameshark or glitching the game.

His team consists of: lv.66 Tauros, lv.67 Exeggutor, lv.68 Arcanine, lv.70 Gyarados and the starter Pokémon that neither you or your rival chose at the beginning of the game, fully evolved at lv.69.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
When asked how Yoshi could survive in space, producer Yoshiaki Koizumi stated, "Well, it's because he's a space Yoshi!"
There are 3 unused rune Crystals in the game's code:
Shrike crystal: Permanently attached to Kasumi and cannot be removed or obtained otherwise.
Falcon crystal: Same as the Shrike crystal but attached to Valeria.
Flame crystal: Its description reads "Bell's rune". This rune cannot be attached to any characters, and Ronnie Bell already has her own unique rune, the "Hate Rune".
Attachment As weapon levels increase, they are also sometimes renamed. Many characters are recruited with weapons already upgraded beyond early level names for their weapons, but these names are still coded into the game.

Viewing these names, we see that Clive's weapons all have a wind theme (Wind, Storm, Tornado) and Warren's weapons are all references to the Norse God Odin, though badly mistranslated (Slavenil, Gunnigle, Odin).
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
There is a Debug Mode code accessed from the Sound Test in the options menu that is inputted by playing songs in the order 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04. This is a reference to the North American release date of the game, which was on 1992/11/24, or November 24th, 1992.

The code to access the Level Select is 19, 65, 09, 17. These numbers reference Sonic developer Yuji Naka's birthday, September 17th, 1965.
Pokémon Ruby Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
Generation III introduced a new attack specific to the Pikachu evolution line called Volt Tackle. In the Japanese version of the game, Volt Tackle is known as Volteccer.

Volteccer is the name of an attack used by Pulseman, the protagonist of a self-titled Sega Mega Drive game developed by Game Freak in 1994.
The GameCube's BIOS menu has slow, seemingly random ambient background music.

This background music, when sped up to sixteen times its normal speed, is actually the intro jingle for the Famicom Disk System, a Famicom add-on released by Nintendo in 1986.
Pokémon Red Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Blue Version (Game)
Attachment According to a journal entry in the game, Mewtwo's birthday is February 6th.
Pokémon Gold Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Silver Version (Game)
Attachment A Safari Zone was originally planned to be in the game, but removed at some point in development. As such, if accessed via a glitch or cheating device, there are no Pokemon to be found in the grass, but some can be found via fishing.
Platform: Nintendo DS
Attachment The white Nintendo DS Lite bears a striking resemblance to the Zelda Game & Watch released by Nintendo in 1989.
Pokémon Crystal Version
In the Japanese version, the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod City was replaced with a Pokemon Communication Center that allowed players to connect to the internet via use of a cell phone. This system was removed from international versions of the game.
Metal Gear Solid
Attachment Most of the voice actors were credited under pseudonyms since they did not know if the project was supported by the Screen Actors Guild. The only ones who used their real names were David Hayter (Solid Snake) and Doug Stone (Psycho Mantis).
Company: Sega
Attachment In 2001, SEGA was granted a patent to displaying floating arrows in their games, seen in games such as Crazy Taxi.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword had the longest development period of any Zelda game at the time of its release.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Attachment Playing the song Ballad of the Goddess backwards results in the melody of Zelda's Lullaby being heard. Alternatively, reversing Zelda's Lullaby will yield a simplified version of Ballad of the Goddess.
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