Trivia Browser



The Legend of Zelda
Attachment You can bypass the first locked door in the first dungeon by simply leaving and walking back in. Upon re-entering, the north door of the room is open and you can claim the key to the east to keep as a spare.
Jet Set Willy
Attachment Like most ZX Spectrum games, Jet Set Willy was stored on a cassette tape. Simply making an audio copy of the cassette allowed people to easily copy Spectrum games. Jet Set Willy was one of the first to come with a form of copy protection: a card with 180 coloured codes on it was bundled with the cassette. Upon loading, one of the codes from the card had to be entered before the game would start. Although the cassette could be duplicated, a copy of the card was also needed and at the time, home colour reproduction was hard to do. Thus copying Jet Set Willy was trickier than most Spectrum games. However, means of circumventing the card were quickly found, and, reflecting the attitude to software piracy at the time, one method was published in a UK computer magazine.
Jet Set Willy
Attachment As originally released, the game could not be completed due to several bugs. Although actually four completely unrelated issues, they became known collectively as "The Attic Bug". After the player entered the room The Attic, various rooms would undergo corruption on all subsequent game plays, including all monsters disappearing from The Chapel, and other screens triggering instant death. This was caused by an error in the path of an arrow in The Attic, resulting in the sprite traveling past the end of the Spectrum's video memory and overwriting crucial game data instead. This bears similarities to a buffer overflow, and as such is an early example of such an error - and the problems it can cause.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Attachment According to STI director Roger Hector, Michael Jackson was initially brought in during development to compose music for the game, even though no mention of his involvement was included in any of the game's credits. This was supposedly due to the scandals that arose around Jackson at the time. His involvement was removed from the title, and much reworking, including all the started music, had to be done.

In December 2009, Michael Jackson's composer Bradley Buxer (credited in Sonic 3 as Brad Buxer) told French magazine Black & White that Jackson was actually involved with some of Sonic 3's compositions, supposedly not being credited because he wasn't happy with how they sounded, due to the lack of optimal sound reproduction on the Genesis.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask has the least number of dungeons of any game in the Zelda series, containing only four on the main world. While there are technically four more on the moon, they are small, contain no bosses, and are completely optional, requiring a set number of happy masks to access each one.
Attachment The graphics for the nailgun ammo contains the logo for the industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails. This is a reference to its frontman Trent Reznor, who composed the original soundtrack for Quake.
Attachment Astal's spine did not feature the game's name, which may have led to its poor sales in the United Stated. Retailers would have had to display the case forward facing, rather than to its side as standard.
Franchise: Call of Duty
By 2013, the franchise had earned over $4.7 billion in revenue, more money than could be found in the entire country of Nicaragua.
Angry Birds
As of 2011, more than 200,000 collective years were spent playing Angry Birds, roughly the same amount of time that modern humans have existed.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
When asked how Yoshi could survive in space, producer Yoshiaki Koizumi stated, "Well, it's because he's a space Yoshi!"
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
There is a Debug Mode code accessed from the Sound Test in the options menu that is inputted by playing songs in the order 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04. This is a reference to the North American release date of the game, which was on 1992/11/24, or November 24th, 1992.

The code to access the Level Select is 19, 65, 09, 17. These numbers reference Sonic developer Yuji Naka's birthday, September 17th, 1965.
Pokémon Red Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Blue Version (Game)
Attachment According to a journal entry in the game, Mewtwo's birthday is February 6th.
Platform: Nintendo DS
Attachment The white Nintendo DS Lite bears a striking resemblance to the Zelda Game & Watch released by Nintendo in 1989.
Metal Gear Solid
Attachment Most of the voice actors were credited under pseudonyms since they did not know if the project was supported by the Screen Actors Guild. The only ones who used their real names were David Hayter (Solid Snake) and Doug Stone (Psycho Mantis).
Company: Sega
Attachment In 2001, SEGA was granted a patent to displaying floating arrows in their games, seen in games such as Crazy Taxi.
From 1995 to its expiration in 2015, Bandai Namco owned a patent on having a playable minigame during loading screens.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Attachment If you steal from the shop keeper, the game will forever brand you as "THIEF" and the shop keeper will kill you upon re-entering for the first time. However, the games's photographer will snap a picture of you in the act, making this a required event if you intend to complete the photo album.
Franchise: Suikoden
While many characters appear in multiple games within the series, Viki and Jeane are the only 2 characters to appear in all main Suikoden games.
Franchise: Final Fantasy
A character named Cid appears in almost every game in the Final Fantasy series.
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