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Mega Man Zero 4
The main bosses of the game, the Einherjar Eight Warriors, are all based on mythological creatures. These include a fairy, a Mandragora, a Minotaur, a cockatrice, a Pegasus, a Kraken, the Norse Fenrir and the Black Tortise Genbu.

Another mythological connection is that Einherjar in Norse myth are warriors brought to Valhalla to await Ragnarok, when they would join in an immense battle. In Mega Man Zero 4, the Einherjar are engaging in an operation called Ragnarok to eliminate the human settlement Zero aims to protect.
Super Mario 64
MIPS, the rabbit in the castle basement, is named after the MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) microprocessor. The Nintendo 64's CPU runs on a MIPS Microprocessor, so the name was chosen for the rabbit.
Persona 4
The Class trip takes you to Tatsumi Port Island, the main location in Persona 3. During the First Day, you go to Gekkoukan High School where you meet both Mr. Edogawa and Chihiro Fushimi.

Chihiro says she received help from last year's Class President to write her speech, implying Mitsuru Kirijo helped out.

Mr. Edogawa's lecture is important. Spoiler:It tells of the mythology behind Persona 4's last boss, Izanami-no-Okami, and the protagonist's final persona, Izanagi-no-Okami.

When you finally get to your hotel at the end of the day, you end up on Shirukawa Boulevard. The Seaside Clam-Shell Hotel is the location of Persona 3's fourth full moon shadow battle with Arcana Hierophant and Arcana Lovers.
WarioWare D.I.Y.
If you name your game "Mario Paint" then, while you are making graphics for your game, the Mario Paint theme will play.
Assassin's Creed III
If you go to the manor, stealth on the outer walls, and whistle, a turkey will appear near you. If you put in the Konami Code, the turkey will put on an assassin hood.
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Attachment In the cut-scene where Cloud fights Sephiroth (Destiny Odyssey VII), several shots are recreated from previous titles.
• The scene where Cloud and Sephiroth cross swords is similar to the scene from Crisis Core in which Sephiroth and Cloud battle in the Nibbleheim Reactor.
• After being knocked back, Cloud descends towards Sephiroth who then knocks Cloud back into the air. This is similar to Sephiroth's first appearance in Advent Children.
• After Cloud lands, the camera pans across Sephiroth's Masamune up to his face, similar to another scene from Advent Children.
• At the end of the scene where Cloud and Sephiroth face off, their poses are similar to their final battle from Final Fantasy VII.
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
During the production of the game, the Insomniac Games employee and level designer, Dan Johnson, had passed away. Both this and the next game, Tools of Destruction, had his name in the credits for a memorial.
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Attachment There is a snowman in both this game and Up Your Arsenal named Snow Dan. This is an in joke for the developers which references a former Insomniac Games employee, Dan Johnson. Also, the Insomniac Museum planet, Dantopia, was also named after him.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Komaytos greatly resemble Metroids. Pit acknowledges this during a conversation with Viridi in the Chaos Vortex, though Viridi states that the two are unrelated. Komatoys function similarly to Metroids as they attach themselves to Pit's head and leech health from him. Also, the idol description reads "The last Komaytos is not in captivity, Skyworld is not at peace." This is a reference to the opening of Super Metroid.
Jet Force Gemini
Beating the high scores on the two "Jeff & Barry Racing" games (30 seconds for the first, 40 on the other) will unlock a track for multiplayer mode. The track is that of Greenwood Village from Diddy Kong Racing, which Paul Mountain, the lead programmer, had previously worked on before this game.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
When approaching the boss Naval Piranha, the player can see him in his un-transformed state and can fire an egg at him. Doing so results in him dying instantly, and Kamek flying in to yell "OH, MY!!!" before flying away in retreat.
Mega Man Zero 2
The boss Phoenix Magnion has an attack that summons ghostly images of the characters Vile, Agile, Bit and Colonel (who were introduced in Mega Man X1 - X4, respectively) to attack Zero. Interesting facts to note is that two of the enemies, Agile and Bit, are never actually met in gameplay by Zero in either X2 or X3, and Bit, for the first time, is seen in gameplay using his shield that was formerly only seen in concept and other official art, not gameplay.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
The opening scene in which Luigi is sleeping in front of a TV which suddenly displays static, awakening him and causing him to reach out towards it, is a reference to the 1982 film "Poltergeist".
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
One of the available decorations is called the "Vampire Castle". Zooming in to one of the tombstones surrounding the castle will yield a grave with the title "RCT 2", implying that the game is now dead and buried.
Company: FromSoftware
Ever since the first King's Field game, From Software has included a weapon called the Moonlight Sword in many of their game titles. The structure of both its exact name and appearance varies from title to title, but it has appeared in many of their games, including King's Field, Armored Core, Demon's and Dark Souls, and 3D Dot Game Heroes. They even named an RPG making program for PC based on King's Field called "Sword of Moonlight: King's Field Making Tool".
Kid Icarus: Uprising
During a random conversation between Palutena and Pit when he is wielding a Bow, Pit mentions that a bow was handy in his last "Brawl", to which Palutena will say that she's glad it wasn't a "Melee", which Pit remarks he was never a part of. This is a reference to his debut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and when he was considered to being put in Super Smash Bros. Melee, but ultimately was not chosen in favor of the Ice Climbers.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
There is a way to kill The End before you even fight him. If you swim to a hiding place across from the Ponizovje Warehouse, you are in a perfect spot to snipe him. If you do kill him this way, Zero and the other support team members will congratulate you for killing him, although Snake will express disappointment in killing him in the manner that he did, as was hoping that he'd actually face him in battle. If you do this in the HD Collection, you will get an achievement called "The Early End."
Secret of Evermore
Attachment In the starting town of Podunk, a "Doughead Software" store can be seen in the background. This appears to be a nod to both Egghead Software, a computer software retail company from 1984-2001, as well as the executive producer (and Lode Runner creator) Doug Smith.

Doug Smith may also be credited with the conception of Secret of Evermore, according to lead programmer Brian Fehdrau, who states that Squaresoft hired Smith based on his suggestion for an RPG with an "American-motif." Squaresoft liked this idea, and told the development team to make "a game like [Secret of Mana] with western themes."
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Many of the people in the Netherrealm and the Chaosrealm sound like they're talking gibberish, but are actually speaking backwards. In fact, the actual spoken quote for each person does not match what is being said. Examples of what some of these characters are saying include (but not limited to):

"There are many realms,"

"I am talking backwards - spooky, isn't it?"

"Parents of the world, there is no satanic messages hidden within the backward speech of Mortal Kombat."

"John Vogel is a genius."

John Vogel is a Mortal Kombat developer.
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
Defeating Laharl in the battle against him during the story mode, before he breaks Rozalin's seal, awards you with a special cutscene and actually ends your game.
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