Trivia Browser



Attachment The Triforce was most likely based on the Mitsuuroko (or "The Three Scales"), the real life symbol of the Hōjō Clan who took control of Japan in the 13th century. Considering the prominence of Christian symbolism in the first two games in the series, the Triforce has also been theorized to symbolize the Christian doctrine of the Trinity defining God as the Father (Triforce of Power), the Son (Triforce of Courage), and the Holy Spirit (Triforce of Wisdom).
person gamemaster1991 calendar_month March 24, 2013
Kotaku article:

Video analyzing possible Christian influences in Triforce design [link provided by CuriousUserX90]:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The music for the Fire Temple once had chanting of an Islamic prayer as a part of the background music. The chanting was a stock sound effect from a sound library collection called "Voice Spectral - Volume 1" released by 'best service', and it also showed up in games like Cruis'n World for the Nintendo 64 and Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal for Xbox. Seeing the problems it could have caused, Nintendo changed it, and the updated version of the Fire Temple replaced the chanting with the wails and moans from the Shadow Temple's music.
Drawn to Life
subdirectory_arrow_right Drawn to Life (Collection)
Attachment According to series creator Jeremiah Slaczka in a 2022 interview, the Creator in the Drawn to Life series is meant to represent the Christian God, and Wilfre is meant to represent Satan. This was hinted at in the game years beforehand, as one of the Creator's quotes is clearly based on a quote from Genesis 1:3. The Book of Life is a book given to the Raposa civilization by the Creator, so it's comparable to the Christian Bible. Wilfre, the villain of Drawn to Life, was a power-hungry character who turned against the Creator and became evil. He attempts to destroy the Book of Life many times, and he leads others down evil paths. Also of note is that the main protagonists aside from the creation hero are named "Mari and Jowee", of "Mary and Joseph", and that the Hero is drawn in a crucifix pose.
person NerdyBoutKirby calendar_month March 23, 2013
VGFacts forum thread from 2013 detailing the connection (please note all but one YouTube video in this post have since been deleted):

Interview with Jeremiah Slaczka from 2022:
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