Trivia Browser



Attachment There's a hidden message in the graphics of the US release that reads "Ste & John were ere ok". This refers to Ste Pickford and John Pickford of Software Creations, the game's developer.

The US and JP versions were developed simultaneously, and since the JP version required much more space for the text graphics, there was a lot of blank space in the US tiles, so Ste wrote the hidden message there.
Sonic Adventure
Attachment The hidden black Chao egg found within the Egg Carrier has a unique texture in the original version for the Dreamcast. It was blue and black with pink spots. This was probably so that it would fit in better with its surroundings. This was changed in later releases of the game to solid black. Opening it will hatch a regular black Chao with seemingly no special qualities, however.
Minecraft: Java Edition
There are quite a few base potions in the game's code that were left with no method to craft them in 1.9 beta pre-release 3. These potions include: Clear, Diffuse, Artless, Thin, Bungling, Suave, Smooth, Debonair, Charming, Refined, Cordial, Sparkling, Potent, Rank, Acrid, Gross, and Stinky.

While they can still be obtained using commands, they have no effect, and take the appearance of a water bottle.
Mario Kart 7
In the European version of the game the track called "Music Park" in the American and Japanese version is called "Melody Motorway". Despite the name change, the American/Japanese name "Music Park" can still be seen on banners in the level in the European version.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Attachment There is a model and texture file for a silenced Colt m1911 on the PS2 disc, but they go unused.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Attachment The back of a Pizza Hut demo disc shows the walls surrounding part of the castle contained water at one point during development.
Team Fortress 2
The voice lines "No otha' class' gonna do dat!", "If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free!", and "Look at this: just caved in your skull, my Bat's still dry. No clumps of hair - nothin'." were added in The Scout Update to the game after fans noticed a resemblance between the Scout and TV pitchman Vince Offer. Offer is best known for being the pitch man for the ShamWow! and these voice lines are parodied from this commercial.
Donkey Kong Country
The Japanese version is actually easier than the American or PAL versions, unlike many games of its time. The Japanese version has many more DK Barrels, and has fewer enemies.
Skylanders: Swap Force
The game code of the Xbox 360 version has data for a "Legendary" variant of Fright Rider, although it does not assign the "Legendary" flag, and no named Legendary Fright Rider figure actually exists.
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
The Greatest Hits version of the game has many different changes to the music in the game, with many new tracks being added to areas that previously reused tracks meant for another portion of the game. In some cases, the correct track was already present, but went unused until the Greatest Hits release.
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Attachment In an early prototype build, the Dark Future segment of the game was slightly different. There was also a "cyborg dolphin" boss that was removed from the final release. It was said to be a mini-boss that also had a machine that would drop canisters that would break upon landing. The machine, having not been finished at the time of the prototype yet, uses a crab for a placeholder.
Mario Kart DS
The "Airship Fortress" track is called "Killer Ship" in the Japanese release.
Chubby Cherub
Attachment In Japan, the game was originally called Obake no Q-tarō: WanWan Panic and was based on the manga Obake no Q-tarō featuring the character Q-tarō. As no-one in the West would've known who Q-tarō was, the game was changed outside of Japan to Chubby Cherub.
Final Fantasy VI
In the Japanese version of FF6, Setzer joins the party with a Bandana equipped, even though he cannot equip bandanas (if the Bandana is removed, he cannot re-equip it). This is not a bug, but was meant to be an inside joke showing Setzer's vanity does not allow him to wear the same things as Locke. In the GBA version Setzer does not come with a Bandana, as the porting team possibly thought it was a glitch.
In the Dreamcast release, the player can use a fishing rod controller to play. The swings of the controller are used to simulate weapon attacks.
Final Fantasy IV
The spells Protect (Armor), Shell, and Dispel were all cut from both the Easy Type and Final Fantasy 2 releases. Protect and Shell are still used by the Zemus Mind enemy, but the white magic icon was removed from their names, masking the fact that they were originally available to the player.
Final Fantasy IV
In the original SNES English release, the Cockatrice/Cocktric summon is dummied out of the game for reasons unknown. Its name, like many other dummied out items within the game, is "Dummy" in both the summon spell and the item it was learned from.
Little Britain: The Video Game
subdirectory_arrow_right Little Britain: The Video Game (Game)
Attachment The game consists of 7 mini-games based on characters from the series, however the back of the box on the PlayStation 2 and PC versions incorrectly state there are 8 mini-games.

The PlayStation Portable version however features two additional mini-games, and the back of the box correctly states that there are 9 mini-games in total.
Final Fantasy IV
Attachment In the SNES version of Final Fantasy 4, Tellah was mistakenly described as Edward/Gilbert's father. This was a translation error, and fixed in later releases.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Attachment The game features a crash debugging tool that allowed the developers to find out information as to why the game has crashed. This is still present in all the Nintendo 64 releases, and can be accessed by inputting a series of button combinations after crashing the game. Information about the game and the environment that was present during the crash will be accessible from this screen.

The Version Info screen, however, not only has information about when the game's version was compiled, but also a message which reads, "I LOVE YOU".
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